Tuesday 7 May 2013

Landscape: Natural landscapes

I tried to keep this image very simple with broad thick lines due to only having a short time to do it in. The various parts of this image are fairly clear in my opinion such as the bridge in the top right and the trees to the side. The water looks quite reflective as it shows the foliage as well as the white patch in the middle that shows the bright sky.

Here I didn't want to be so literal in how this scene looked in terms of colour, so I just used 3 pastels to create this.
I used a variety of shading techniques including hard lines and soft blending of colour with my finger (such as with the water).
There is some foreshortening here especially as your eye wanders down the path and across the bridge in the distance. The horizontal lines across the edge of the path into the canal help the flow of the drawing too.

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